Conversations · 08. april 2020
In this lesson, we are going to learn about counting numbers in Dutch. Let's begin from 0 to 20: 0 Nul 1 Een 2 Twee 3 Drie 4 Vier 5 Vijf 6 Zes 7 Zeven 8 Acht 9 Negen 10 Tien 11 Elf 12 Twaalf 13 Dertien 14 Veertien 15 Vijftien 16 Zestien 17 Zeventien 18 Achttien 19 Negentien 20 Twintig And now from 21 to 29. 21 = 1 + 20 Een en twintig 21 Eenentwintig 22 Tweeëntwintig 23 Drieëntwintig 24 vierentwintig 25 Vijfentwintig 26 Zesentwintig 27 Zevenentwintig 28 Achtentwintig 29 Negenentwintig Other...

Conversations · 31. maart 2020
In this lesson, we are going to learn about Greetings, Introducing yourself, basic sentences in conversations as well as farewells in Dutch.

Dutch Grammar in Use! · 12. maart 2020
Zullen, willen, kunnen, mogen and moeten are commonly used in Dutch. Let's have a look how they are being used in Dutch grammar.

Dutch Grammar in Use! · 06. maart 2020
In this lesson, we are going to learn how Dutch nouns changed in their Plural Forms.

Dutch Grammar in Use! · 04. maart 2020
In our lesson today, we are going to learn about how to say “NO” or “NOT” in Dutch. NEE - NIET - GEEN

Dutch Grammar in Use! · 02. maart 2020
In this lesson, we would like to draw you attention to the rules between an Adjective and a Noun. HET NOUN and DE NOUN Undefined Noun and Defined Noun

Dutch Grammar in Use! · 02. maart 2020
In this lesson, we are going to learn how verbs in the present tense is adjusted to the subjects. Furthermore, we also learn about STAM of the verbs, and 2 irregular verbs: to have (hebben) and to be (zijn).

Dutch Grammar in Use! · 02. maart 2020
In this lesson, we are going to learn about how Dutch sentences are composed. 1. Main sentence 2. Main sentence with inversion 3. Questions A – Open question B- Closed question: answer with “yes” or ‘no’

Introduction · 29. februari 2020
My name is Kathy and I am originally from Vietnam. I have been living in Holland for 5 years. I love this place: the nature, the people, the culture, and the lifestyle…everything here is still so special for me. I also have my Dutch naturalization, but of course, only after finishing all the obligations and examinations necessary to achieve it. Regarding the Dutch language, I have my B2 certification, representing an advanced level of language fluency. Well, I did need to study hard and do my...